Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Franchising

Selling a Business: Tire Kickers

Selling a Business: Tire Kickers Whether you’re a business broker or business owner, when selling a business tire-kickers can waste a lot of your precious time. Selling a business can be a time-suck under any circumstances and no one wants to have their time wasted by people that are, if

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Pricing a Business: Part 2

Pricing a Business: Part 2 Over the past couple of week’s I’ve posted twice about two extremely important issues – pricing a business and valuing a business – for business brokers and business sellers to be aware of and knowledgeable about when bringing a business to market. The first was

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Pricing a Business

Pricing a Business Last week’s post about valuing a business generated a number of questions about pricing a business. Most of those questions related to how price is determined for the marketing of that business. Different people have different approaches to pricing a business. Some business owners want to price

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Valuing a Business

Valuing a Business Valuing a business is arguably the most important task a business broker does before taking an engagement to sell a business. And from the business owner’s standpoint, it is arguably the most important consideration when determining whether to sell or not. But for most business owners, valuing

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Seller Remorse: The Conclusion

Seller Remorse: The Conclusion Over the past month or so, I’ve written more than once about seller remorse. Specifically, I’ve described a deal in which, uncharacteristically, we were representing the buyer rather than the seller and how the deal was teetering on the brink of collapse; and that such teetering

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Three Ways to Sell a Business

Three Ways to Sell a Business What’s the best way to sell a business? Is there a “best” way? Before we answer either of those questions, we should determine how many ways there are and describe them. Knowing the options is important from a business owner’s standpoint – which makes

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Seller Remorse: The Follow Up

Selling a Business: Seller Remorse Pt 2 Two weeks ago, in a post about seller remorse, I mentioned that we were involved in a deal that had begun to appear as if the seller may have gotten cold feet – roughly two weeks before the deal was scheduled to close!

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Small Business “Sell-ability”

Small Business “Sell-ability” Is a small business sellable? When dealing with owners of very small businesses, we get that question more often than we should. As a general rule, most businesses – even some of those that are losing money – are sell-able. With the possible exception of last night’s

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Selling a Business: The Personal Aspect

Selling a Business: The Personal Aspect There is, indeed, a personal aspect to selling a business. Two weeks ago, our post was about what to expect in the preparation process when selling a business. At the end of that post, I cautioned that there is also a personal aspect that

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Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid Part 2

Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid, Part 2 Two weeks ago, I posted Part 1 of Business Broker: Mistakes to Avoid and promised to follow up with two more lessons to avoid mistakes. If you recall, it was the story of an experienced broker, busy as he could be, not paying

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