Advising Our Clients Part 3: What’s Selling?

“How’s the Market for Business Sales?”
In the United States, roughly 50% of all businesses are owned by Baby Boomers (according to the U.S. Census Bureau) and a great deal of them are starting the selling process. (See The Baby Boomer Business Sell-off and The Silver Tsunami.) Given the ‘rona devastation is certain business segments, many of them are reevaluating their plans and wondering if they should sell now or wait in the hope that the pending arrival of several promising vaccines will spark a near-term recovery. According to a recent Small Business Confidence Study, 43% of business owners expect the economy to return to pre-corona levels by the fourth quarter of 2021 with 20% expecting the economy to recover sooner. I suspect the difference reflects the respondents’ different industries._____________________________________________________________________________
Our course, “The Basic “How-To” of Becoming a Business Broker“, teaches how to market and sell businesses.
Become a Professional Business Broker…
But demand for existing businesses has been strong, particularly in certain business segments.
What’s Selling?
The answer to that question in a word – or maybe two – is “essential” businesses. If your client owns what would be considered an essential business, the opportunity to “go out on top” is unlikely to be this compelling again. Why? For several reasons.- Most segments of the economy – which seem to have digested the virus and found it only mildly unsettling; as well as the news that multiple vaccines hitting the market in the next 30-60 days is highly likely – are chugging right along with a full head of steam.
- With stock markets climbing to new records seemingly every week, the buying market is awash with money, all of it looking for a hospitable place to land.
- Though several governments around the world are threatening higher taxes to offset revenue declines attributed to their own mandated shutdowns, it will take some time for such legislation to pass – if it passes at all.
(In the U.S., the big fear is the threatened near doubling of the capital gains tax by the next administration, a condition that will be possible only if the two Georgia Senate runoffs in early January are won by Democrats. And in the event, such legislation will probably need at least six months to work its way through the sausage mill that is the U.S Congress, suggesting that such increase won’t impact sales closed prior to Q3 or Q4 2021.
(However, in the legislative equivalent of “moving the goal posts”, it is not unheard of that the self-styled “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body”, if controlled by the blue team, would simply make the legislation effective retroactively to some earlier date – like 1st January.)
Essential businesses are in high demand and garnering a lot of interest right now. There’s a lot of competition for well-run businesses that have been making money during the pandemic. Competition pushes up multiples and thus prices. Here are some examples of businesses being targeted by buyers, both financial and strategic.- Healthcare businesses, clinical and non-clinical. Virus or no, the population continues to age everywhere (with the possible exception of Hollywood).
- Technology businesses such as those supporting remote workers, providing network security and tech support.
- Real estate-related businesses such as real estate brokerages, title companies, closing and settlement businesses, land planners and surveyors. The desire to move away from urban areas combined with the lowest interest rates in history have turned real estate-related businesses in money-printing machines – and highly coveted.
- Moving companies that move all the crap from a 12th floor 800 square foot apartment on the upper west side of Manhattan to a three-bedroom, two bath colonial on 3/4 of an acre in rural New Jersey have never been busier. The same is true near any major urban area.
- Any business with a recurring revenue business model.
- Even some restaurants – most notably the ones with drive-throughs as well as those that have perfected an efficient curb-side pickup program.
We’ve launched a coaching program specifically tailored to Realtors that want to sell businesses and to novice business brokers.
If you’d like to learn more, email me at jo*@Wo*******************.com
The Bottom Line
During this period of unprecedented volatility, our job of advising our clients has taken on a larger role in our day-to-day business. Yes, there are several broad categories of business owners that some general advice would be helpful to but many business owners find themselves in a unique – at least to them – situation that they aren’t at all prepared to face. With our understanding of the market, we have an opportunity to explain to our clients what the proverbial terrain looks like and suggest some options that they may not have thought of. If you have any questions or comments on this topic – or any topic related to business – I’d like to hear from you. Put them in the comments box below. Start the conversation and I’ll get back to you with answers or my own comments. If I get enough on one topic, I’ll address them in a future post or podcast. I’ll be back with you agin next Monday. In the meantime, I hope you have a safe and profitable week.