Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Tag: Exit Strategy

Selling a Business: What to Expect from a Broker

Selling a Business: What to Expect From a Broker Selling a business is – unlike selling a house – more than likely a once in a lifetime experience. And in the case of most businesses, it is likely to be the most significant financial event of the seller’s lifetime. Given

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Business Brokers: The Value of Networking

Business Brokers: The Value of Networking Business brokers… what’s the value of networking? It’s pretty hard to overstate what networking is worth to us. Our Course, Learn How to Value and Successfully Sell Businesses, has an entire lecture devoted to networking for business brokers. And networking through the right groups

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Selling a Business: More Confusion!

Selling a Business: More Confusion! Selling a business requires knowledge. You need to know how to value the business, how to market the business, how to keep the fact that the business is for sale confidential, where the financing might come from and countless other things that come only with

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Selling a Business: Ways to Prepare

Selling a Business: Ways to Prepare Selling a business ain’t for sissies. And if you don’t know how to prepare for the process, if success comes at all, it could be a painful journey Every business that doesn’t fail will eventually be sold – every one. If you’re a business

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Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Pt. 2

Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Pt. 2 Last week’s post – about how business brokers get paid – covered a fair amount of ground. But because there are probably an infinite number of ways to structure deals, there are probably just as many ways to structure how we get

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Business Brokers: How We Get Paid

Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Last week’s post – about acing the interview with our potential client, the business owner – left one big question unanswered. Recall that that post was about what a potential client could be expected to ask when interviewing a business broker in anticipation of

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Business Brokers: Acing the Interview

Business Brokers: Acing the Interview and Getting the Listing Finding the right advisors when selling a business can be a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. First off, most business owners will already have a relationship with a couple; an attorney and accountant for example. That’s a start –

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Buying a Business: Ask the Right Questions

Buying a Business: Ask the Right Questions. When buying a business, one would be wise to recall the underlying theme of the 2004 movie “iRobot”, staring Wil Smith and the extremely cool Audi RSQ. That underlying theme was the need to ask the right question. If you saw that movie,

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Selling a Business: How the BUYER Sees it

Selling a Business: How the BUYER Sees it. If you’re selling a business, it would be a good idea to look at the business as a buyer will. This is particularly true when doing the valuation for the business. A few weeks ago my post was about risk factors inherent

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Selling a Business: The Documentation

Selling a Business: The Documentation Are you selling a business? As either the seller or the broker? If so, you’ve got to make sure that your documentation act is together. Documentation preparation is one of the top five questions we get from the folks taking our course, “Learn How to

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