Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Tag: Exit Strategy

Selling a Business: Is the Owner Prepared?

Selling a Business: Is the OWNER Prepared? When selling a business, what happens to the business owner when the business is sold? This is a very serious question for a professional business broker to ask and the broker must listen carefully to the answer. When I sold my business in

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Valuing a Business: Non-Recurring Expenses

Valuing a Business: Non-Recurring Expenses Valuing a business for any reason – particularly in anticipation of bringing it to market – involves significant analysis and dozens of issues to consider. One of those issues is what’s called “non-recurring expenses”. Non-recurring expenses are those that the business does not incur on

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Selling a Business in 2021: What’s the Market Look Like?

Selling a Business in 2021 Selling a business in 2021 means selling a business with the Covid-19 pandemic as a backdrop. How that backdrop impacts a business’ “sell-ability” depends on two main considerations: the industry the business is in and the size of the business. As I write these words,

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What’s Your Business REALLY Worth? The Risk Factors

What’s Your Business REALLY Worth? The Risk Factors The effort required to prepare a business for sale can be daunting – and if more business owners understood this preparation process, fewer would be trying to sell their business themselves. Over the past eight weeks or so, I’ve written a series

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Selling a Business: Mistakes Sellers Make

Selling a Business: Mistakes Sellers Make Business owners trying to sell their own business are like dentists trying to reset their own broken arm. Just because you may be good at one thing doesn’t automatically make you good at another – especially when that “other thing” requires a good deal

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Selling a Business: The Buyer’s Perspective

Selling a Business: The Buyer’s Perspective I started out last week’s post with this sentence: “Selling a business ain’t for sissies.” Well, I can assure you that buying a business requires even MORE intestinal fortitude. How do I know? ‘Cause I’ve been on that side of the deal, too. Those

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Selling a Business: The Seller’s Perspective

Selling a Business: The Seller’s Perspective Selling a business ain’t for sissies. How do I know? Well, aside from my 20 years of helping business owners sell their business and teaching business brokers how to do it, the impetus for starting Worldwide Business Brokers back in 2001 was my experience

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Valuing Businesses: What Constitutes Value?

Valuing Businesses: What Constitutes Value? Valuing a business: do you know what that entails? Earlier this month, I did a three-part series describing various approaches used to value businesses. The main focus of those posts was correcting some general misconceptions and some bad advice that appeared in an article I

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Selling a Business: Who Owns It?

Selling a Business: Who Owns It? Selling a business involves considering no small number of issues, some large, some small, some complicated, some not so much. But one question that few brokers – and even fewer buyers – ever ask is, “Who owns it?” Or, more generally, who has a

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