
Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Pt. 2
Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Pt. 2 Last week’s post – about how business brokers get paid – covered a fair amount of ground. But because there are probably an infinite number of ways

Business Brokers: How We Get Paid
Business Brokers: How We Get Paid Last week’s post – about acing the interview with our potential client, the business owner – left one big question unanswered. Recall that that post was about what a

Business Brokers: Acing the Interview
Business Brokers: Acing the Interview and Getting the Listing Finding the right advisors when selling a business can be a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. First off, most business owners will already have

Buying a Business: Ask the Right Questions
Buying a Business: Ask the Right Questions. When buying a business, one would be wise to recall the underlying theme of the 2004 movie “iRobot”, staring Wil Smith and the extremely cool Audi RSQ. That

Selling a Business: How the BUYER Sees it
Selling a Business: How the BUYER Sees it. If you’re selling a business, it would be a good idea to look at the business as a buyer will. This is particularly true when doing the

Selling a Business: The Documentation
Selling a Business: The Documentation Are you selling a business? As either the seller or the broker? If so, you’ve got to make sure that your documentation act is together. Documentation preparation is one of

Selling a Business: Is the Owner Prepared?
Selling a Business: Is the OWNER Prepared? When selling a business, what happens to the business owner when the business is sold? This is a very serious question for a professional business broker to ask

Valuing a Business: Non-Recurring Expenses
Valuing a Business: Non-Recurring Expenses Valuing a business for any reason – particularly in anticipation of bringing it to market – involves significant analysis and dozens of issues to consider. One of those issues is

Selling a Business in 2021: What’s the Market Look Like?
Selling a Business in 2021 Selling a business in 2021 means selling a business with the Covid-19 pandemic as a backdrop. How that backdrop impacts a business’ “sell-ability” depends on two main considerations: the industry

What’s Your Business REALLY Worth? The Risk Factors
What’s Your Business REALLY Worth? The Risk Factors The effort required to prepare a business for sale can be daunting – and if more business owners understood this preparation process, fewer would be trying to