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Category: Value a Business

Sell Your Business: Seven Considerations

Selling a Business: 7 Considerations Selling a business takes planning, patience, time and talent. If you’re thinking about selling yours, print this post out and keep it on your desk or tape it to your mirror so you see it everyday. Most people think that selling a business means handing

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The Importance of Business Brokers

How Important are Business Brokers? How important are business brokers? If you’re still wondering, this post ought to dispel any lingering questions. This is a true story that I am personally familiar with. It involves a business owner that hired a residential real estate agent to sell their business and

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Business Brokers: Prepare Your Sellers!

Business Brokers, Prepare Your Sellers! Business brokers are the guideposts and guardrails of any business transfer. Well, at least the good ones are. Professional business brokers know the road and its curves. We’ve been here before. We’ve been down this road and have an idea what’s behind the next bend.

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Buyers Need Brokers, Too. A True Story

Buyers Need Brokers, Too! When people think of business brokers, they generally associate them with business owners that want to sell. But buyers need brokers, too. Don’t believe me? You will after you read this. This is a true story of the epic collapse of a deal at the last

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Selling a Business: What Impacts Its Value?

What Impacts a Business’ Value? When selling a business, what impacts its value? Well, the amount of money the business throws off into the owners’ pockets is probably the first answer that comes to mind for most people but there are other aspects of a business that impact its value.

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Valuing a Business: The “Add-Backs”

Valuing a Business: The “Add-Backs” Valuing a business is fraught with terms that can be confusing for those untrained in the process. Discretionary earnings, working capital, goodwill, excess inventory, FF&E, etc. are among them. But as we teach in our course, The Basic “How-To” of Becoming a Business Broker, one

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Seller Remorse

Seller Remorse: The Emotional Aspect of Selling Though selling a business is, at its most basic, essentially a financial transaction, there are numerous emotional aspects that are involved as well. A business owner must be prepared emotionally and a business broker must do everything possible to assist in that preparation

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Pricing a Business to Sell Part 2

  <> Pricing a Business to Sell: Part 2 Last week in Pricing a Business to Sell: Part 1, I wrote about some of the issues a professional business broker – or business owner – should consider when establishing the price of a business; at least if you’re pricing a

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Pricing a Business to Sell Part 1

  <> Pricing a Business to Sell Last week, I wrote about the large number of businesses that come to market that never sell. That post also listed a dozen or more reasons why businesses don’t sell. But it also stated that the main reason businesses don’t sell is that

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