Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Buy a Business

Seller Remorse

Seller Remorse: The Emotional Aspect of Selling Though selling a business is, at its most basic, essentially a financial transaction, there are numerous emotional aspects that are involved as well. A business owner must be prepared emotionally and a business broker must do everything possible to assist in that preparation

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Pricing a Business to Sell Part 2

  <> Pricing a Business to Sell: Part 2 Last week in Pricing a Business to Sell: Part 1, I wrote about some of the issues a professional business broker – or business owner – should consider when establishing the price of a business; at least if you’re pricing a

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Pricing a Business to Sell Part 1

  <> Pricing a Business to Sell Last week, I wrote about the large number of businesses that come to market that never sell. That post also listed a dozen or more reasons why businesses don’t sell. But it also stated that the main reason businesses don’t sell is that

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How Many Businesses Sell? Some Statistics…

  <> How Many Businesses Sell? How many businesses that are put up for sale actually sell? If you are considering becoming a business broker, that might be a useful bit of information to have, don’t you think? The short answer may seem trite but it’s true: “every business that

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Handling Inventory When Selling a Business

  <> Handling Inventory When Selling a Business Knowing the proper way to handle inventory when selling a business is an important part of business brokering and those untrained in the profession generally have no idea what to do. This issue arose recently when a business owner hired a real

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Selling a Business or Selling a Job?

<> Are You Selling a Business or Selling a Job? If you’re a business broker about to meet a business owner that may become a client, you’ve got to ask yourself a fundamental question. To wit: Will you be selling a business or selling a job? The answer to this

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Value a Business With Real Estate: Another Disaster

<> Another Business Valuation Disaster This business valuation disaster arrived in one of our offices last week. A real estate agent brought this one in after trying for two years to sell her client’s business and real estate. A true story of good intentions gone awry because of ignorance, lack

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Selling a Business: Are Millennials Buying?

Selling a Business: The Millennials Market Are Millennials buying business? Do they have the chops? We hear a lot about Millennials starting internet and technology businesses but few of them will be the unicorns that Wall Street dreams of. But are they buying existing business? Last week’s post was a

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Selling Your Business? The Kids Don’t Want It!

Selling a Business: Can You Keep it in the Family? What seems like a lifetime ago, The Who did a song called “The Kids Are Alright”. (You can see the original cheesy music video here. And check out the spectators on the lake in the background!) Many business owners seem

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