
Buying a Business: Check for Liens!
Buying a Business: Check for Liens! If you’re buying a business – or if you’re a business broker representing a client in buying a business – one of the most important aspects of a buyer’s

Selling a Business: Five Ways to Get the Deal Done
Selling a Business: 5 Ways to Get the Deal Done Selling a business ain’t easy, my friends! And that’s particularly true if the seller is not prepared. It’s doubly true if the business owner tries

Selling a Business: The Letter of Intent
Selling a Business: The Letter of Intent Selling a business is a many step process. Geez, just getting the business ready to be sold takes plenty of work! Some brokers think that, once all the

Business Valuations: How Do We Do It?
Business Valuations: Let Me Count the Ways! Business valuations are, not surprisingly, a critical part of our business. We value businesses for all sorts of reasons, not just for sellers when it comes time to

PEGs and Family Offices: Your Buyers
PEGs and Family Offices are BUYERS! To anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time, the terms PEGs and family offices are probably at least somewhat familiar. But the activity that we’re

The Importance of a Business Valuation
The Importance of a Business Valuation Most business owners know their pricing model and margins like the back of their hand. They have a firm grasp of the math and how important it is to

Selling a Business: What’s the Forecast?
Selling a Business: What’s the Forecast? One of the questions we receive most often is, “what’s the market like ‘right now’ for selling a business?” If you’re a business owner thinking about your exit –

Selling PART of a Business
Selling PART of a Business Selling part of a business is not something we see often but it is not uncommon – both in early stage businesses and more mature enterprises. When a business has

Selling a Franchise Business: The Challenges
Selling a Franchise Business: The Challenges Selling a business is challenging enough. Selling a franchise business has its own challenges – and if you want to include selling franchised businesses in your business brokers practice,

Selling a Business: The Emotional Aspects
Selling a Business: The Emotional Aspects Selling a business is an intensely personal and emotional event. I’ve written previously about preparing for the sale of a business but those posts focused primarily on preparing the