Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Author: Joseph Caffrey

Business Brokering: How to Handle Real Estate

What do you do if real estate is involved in the business sale? This is a question we get all the time. You meet with the sellers; you find out that either the business owns the real estate or that the sellers own the business and the real estate in

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Business Brokering: The Value of Co-Brokering

What is “co-brokering” and why is it important? The answer to the first part of that question is that co-brokering is the concept of working with other brokers. The answer to the second part is two-fold: First, because 50% of something is always greater than 100% of nothing – the

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Business Valuation: Discretionary Earnings

Like all professions, the Business Broker/Business Advisor profession has its own keywords and phrases that, in many case, our clients don’t immediately understand. “Contract work in progress” is one such phrase as is the term “working capital”. Those terms, however, aren’t necessarily pertinent to every business that we value, sell

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The Price Is Right – or Is It?

American readers of a certain age will probably remember the game show, The Price is Right, in which contestants tried to guess the price of merchandise, and its host Bob Barker. Some of the shows were hilarious as contestants had no clue as to the prices of countless items and

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The Value of The Valuation

How Can You Determine the Value of a Business? “What’s my business worth?” This is a question we get nearly every day. Whether you’re selling one, buying one or acting as a broker for one, you have to know the value of the business you’re selling, buying or marketing. If

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Business Broker: How I got started

People often ask how – and why – I became a business broker. Well, here’s the short version. (There is a much more detailed story of my journey to business brokering stardom but that will necessarily be a post of epic length and humor and, given the time constraints of

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Does Your Business Meet the Basic Needs of a Buyer?

Well, does it? Is it even worth a cursory glance from a serious buyer? Let’s see… One of the aspects that business sellers often fail to consider when they begin thinking about selling their business is the Three Basic Requirements trilogy that a buyer must be satisfied with before considering

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The “Silver Tsunami”

The Silver Tsunami The Silver Tsunami. Ever hear of it? Probably not, but it’s coming our way – and it’s coming fast! The Silver Tsunami refers to the massive number of U.S. Baby Boomers that are starting to retire. According to the Washington Post, 10,000 people in the U.S. are

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