Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Author: Joseph Caffrey

Selling a Business: Partner Buyout

Selling a Business: Partner Buyout We’ve consulted with many businesses – mature ones and startups – over the years on everything from developing business and marketing plans to expansion strategies and raising capital. One of the most crucial considerations when establishing a business with multiple owners is to develop a

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Selling a Business: What Multiples Matter?

Selling a Business: Using Multiples to Find Value Business owners that are semi-literate about selling a business often come to us with some pretty wild ideas about what their business is worth. Some expect the value of their business to be a “multiple” of something; monthly sales, net income, annual

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Buy a Business: Why Use a Broker

Want to Buy A Business? Use a Business Broker If you want to buy a business, you might consider using a business broker. Why? Well, there are many reasons but let’s clarify a few things before we get started. First, if you are looking for a small, Main Street-type business,

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Business Brokers: Finding the Financing

Show Me The Money! If you’re a business broker – or the buyer or seller of a business – you know that the only way a deal gets done is if the money is found to make it happen. While this topic is broad enough to fill a book (and

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Business Brokers: Dealing With Tire Kickers

Are Your “Buyers” Really Buyers? If you’re a business broker – or if you want to become a business broker – you know that there are few ways to waste more time than with “buyers” that will never buy. Over the course of a year, professional business brokers will likely

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Business Brokers: Problems with Financials

Funky Financials Well, I’m a day late on this post and I apologize. Things have been a bit hectic out here in Paradise but I’m catching up, little by little. I should be back on schedule next Monday, but let’s get on with the Case of the Funky Financials; what

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Business Broker: Working with Real Estate Agents

The Business Broker and Real Estate Agents Professional business brokers are still a relatively unknown breed. Many business owners, especially the owners of Main Street businesses, have no idea that professional business brokers exist or what they do. This means that if you’re a business broker – or want to

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Main Street vs Middle Market: What’s the Difference?

What’s the Difference Between “Main Street” and “Middle Market” Businesses? Even within the business brokerage and M&A industry, there is no standard definition of a Main Street business or a Middle Market business. Ask ten brokers or advisors – or ten accountants or attorneys – and you’ll get ten different

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Selling a Business Part 5: The Closing

How to Sell a Business: Part 5 This is the fifth and final installment of a five-part series on selling your business. To get the whole picture, read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 How to Sell a Business: The Closing Welcome to Part 5, the final

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