Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Author: Joseph Caffrey

Strategic Buyers Need a Broker, too!

Strategic Buyers: Finding the Targets Here’s a true story about an acquisition. It’s not necessarily a pretty story but it illustrates why companies that want to acquire other businesses – “strategic buyers”, rather than “financial buyers” – need to engage the right advisors if they want the acquisition to be

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Growing through Acquisition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Grow Through Acquisition If you own a business, my guess is that you want it to grow. There are two ways of doing that: growing organically and grow through acquisition. Growing your business organically is done by adding more products or services that you can sell to your

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Valuations: The Benefits of Owning a Business

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Valuation: The Benefits of Owning a Business What are the benefits of owning a business – the owner’s benefits? Well, they can be legion and it is critical that they be identified and calculated if you are trying to get an accurate business valuation. Valuing a business is

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Credit Card Expenses and Valuations

Credit Card Expenses When valuing a business, professional business brokers are often confronted by a vexing problem; credit card expenses. The business owners have been using the credit cards for both business and personal purchases. The problem becomes more challenging when the business owners neglect to categorize these purchases. Small

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Business Brokers and Business Real Estate

Business Brokers and Business Real Estate We often encounter business owners that ask about the wisdom of buying the real estate their business is in or buying real estate that they can move their business to, especially when their business is expanding. The decisions made about the acquisition or ownership

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Valuations: Extraordinary Expenses

Valuations: Extraordinary Expenses Over the past several weeks I’ve written several posts about valuing businesses. One was about defending your numbers. If you’re a broker doing valuations, you are guaranteed to encounter sellers with whom you’ll need to do just that. Another was about dealing with a stubborn seller and

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Valuations: Owner Benefits

Valuations: Owner Benefits I did a post about 18 months ago that focused on “Discretionary Earnings” – what they are and how important they are to a business’ value. In that post I used two examples, one of which was a $12.99 subscription to Sports Illustrated magazine by the owner

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Valuation: The Ultimate Question

Valuations: The Ultimate Question Wow! Last week’s post got a TON of comments… and TWO tons of questions! That post, basically for business brokers, was a discussion about defending your numbers. That is, after valuing a business for a potential client, how do you explain that it isn’t you that

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Defending Your Numbers

Business Brokers: Defending Your Numbers We are, in many cases, the bearers of bad news. This is particularly true in the Main Street market; businesses with transaction values of less than $1 million. That is because many small business owners have worked on their business for many years – sometimes

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Prioritizing Buyers

Selling a Business: Prioritizing Buyers One of the questions we get from business brokers – and from business owners that we are advising – is how do we rank potential buyers when we are engaged to sell a business. There are probably as many ways of prioritizing buyers as there

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