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Category: Franchising

PEGs and Family Offices: Your Buyers

PEGs and Family Offices are BUYERS! To anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time, the terms PEGs and family offices are probably at least somewhat familiar. But the activity that we’re seeing in the market at the moment suggests that a post on these groups would

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The Importance of a Business Valuation

The Importance of a Business Valuation Most business owners know their pricing model and margins like the back of their hand. They have a firm grasp of the math and how important it is to be constantly aware of changing costs and the need to adjust their prices to maintain

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Selling a Business: What’s the Forecast?

Selling a Business: What’s the Forecast? One of the questions we receive most often is, “what’s the market like ‘right now’ for selling a business?” If you’re a business owner thinking about your exit – or if you’re an aspiring business broker seriously considering getting into our industry – the

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Selling PART of a Business

Selling PART of a Business Selling part of a business is not something we see often but it is not uncommon – both in early stage businesses and more mature enterprises. When a business has multiple founders, it is not unusual to for one partner to come to the realization

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Selling a Franchise Business: The Challenges

Selling a Franchise Business: The Challenges Selling a business is challenging enough. Selling a franchise business has its own challenges – and if you want to include selling franchised businesses in your business brokers practice, you need to know what some of those distinct challenges are. Selling a franchise business

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Selling a Business Quickly: A Tale of Two Sales

Sell a Business Quickly Want a fast exit? That tells me a lot, little of which is good. An attempt to sell a business quickly strongly suggests lack of preparation and if you’ve been reading these blog posts for any length of time, you know that lack of preparation is

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Demand for Businesses Makes This a Great Time to Sell

Demand for Businesses: Why Now is a Great Time to Sell “Deal fever” – unprecedented demand for businesses – is rapidly spreading through the Middle Market business segment and if you’re a business owner or business broker, the prevailing situation impacts you. Middle-market companies are looking to acquire competitors and

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Buying a Business: Growing Through Acquisition

Growing Through Acquisition Most business owners want to grow their business and there are a number of ways to do this. You can hire more sales staff or add distributors; if you’re a wholesaler or manufacturer, you can start a retail operation; you can expand into online sales; you can

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Selling a Business: Does the Buyer Work for You?

Selling a Business: Does the Buyer Already Work for You? Thinking about selling your business? When business owners start to think about selling, one of the many concerns (price, timing, financing, existing staff, etc.) is trying to find the right buyer; someone that will treat the business as the seller

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Value Drivers: What drives the value of a business?

Value Drivers: What Drives the Value of a Business? Businesses derive their value from many of their operational, marketing and financial aspects. These aspects are referred to as “value drivers” and there can be a dozen, multiple dozen or even more. Let’s take a look at a few of the

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