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Category: Business Brokering

Selling a Business: 4 More Tips

Selling a Business: 4 More Tips 28 May 2018 Selling a business is one of the most financially and emotionally significant events that you will ever experience. It can change your life in many ways – it certainly changed mine! – and requires serious aforethought and lots of preparation –

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Preparing a Plan for Selling Your Business

Preparing a Plan for Selling Your Business 21 May 2018 One of the key findings of a new UBS Financial Services study on health, wealth and wellness is that most business owners are totally unprepared for selling their business even though the sale of that business is likely to be

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Selling Your Startup – 5 Steps to Success with Nikki Navta

Selling Your Startup; 5 Steps to Success We have a guest post this week, my friends. That’s right! Nikki Navta, who founded Zulama, a company that brings computer science education to teenagers through video game design and who subsequently sold her business to EMC School, describes the process she went

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Selling A Business? 12 Steps to Success

Selling A Business? 12 Steps to Success Selling a business takes preparation, time and multiple talents. Most business owners do not have the latter. In fact, very few have the time, either! Selling a business is a process, one with multiple steps that must be preformed in the proper sequence.

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Selling Your Business: Why Won’t Mine Sell?

Selling Your Business: Why Won’t It Sell? I recently read an article in a Canadian publication written by a business coach. He started out be relating that he recently gave a speech to a gathering of realtors and one of the questions he opened with was how many of the

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Selling a Business: Foreign Buyers

Selling a Business: Foreign Buyers Several of my recent posts have been about this being among the best times to sell a business in many years, why this is so, who is buying, where the money is coming from and so on. This post continues the theme because new data

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The Process of Selling A Business

Selling a Business Like anything else in business or in life, there is a process to selling a business. If you’re thinking about selling yours, you would be wise to know this process and to follow it closely. Doing so will make the entire effort far more efficient and fruitful.

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Financing The Business Acquisition

How to Finance a Business Speaking of how to finance a business acquisition, I read an article the other day about a “crisis” in the penal colony down under. Under the headline “Warning SMEs won’t be able to sell their businesses unless access to finance improves”, the article states that

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Sell Your Business: Be Prepared!

Sell Your Business Over the past few weeks, we’ve posted about how active the market for buying and selling businesses has been over the past year or so; the types of buyers that are actively hunting, the capital that is available to buyers and some of the reasons that make

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Selling Your Business: What’s the Market Like?

Selling Your Business? We’ve gotten a TON (or “tonne” pour mes amis Francais et Englais) of questions over the years about the state of the business buying market; what’s selling? who’s buying? what is the demand level? If you’ve been considering selling your business, I imagine these questions have also

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