Selling Your Startup – 5 Steps to Success with Nikki Navta
Selling Your Startup; 5 Steps to Success We have a guest post this week, my friends. That’s right! Nikki Navta, who founded Zulama, a company that brings computer science education to teenagers through video game
Selling A Business? 12 Steps to Success
Selling A Business? 12 Steps to Success Selling a business takes preparation, time and multiple talents. Most business owners do not have the latter. In fact, very few have the time, either! Selling a business
Selling Your Business: Why Won’t Mine Sell?
Selling Your Business: Why Won’t It Sell? I recently read an article in a Canadian publication written by a business coach. He started out be relating that he recently gave a speech to a gathering
Selling a Business: Foreign Buyers
Selling a Business: Foreign Buyers Several of my recent posts have been about this being among the best times to sell a business in many years, why this is so, who is buying, where the
The Process of Selling A Business
Selling a Business Like anything else in business or in life, there is a process to selling a business. If you’re thinking about selling yours, you would be wise to know this process and to
Financing The Business Acquisition
How to Finance a Business Speaking of how to finance a business acquisition, I read an article the other day about a “crisis” in the penal colony down under. Under the headline “Warning SMEs won’t
Sell Your Business: Be Prepared!
Sell Your Business Over the past few weeks, we’ve posted about how active the market for buying and selling businesses has been over the past year or so; the types of buyers that are actively
Selling Your Business: What’s the Market Like?
Selling Your Business? We’ve gotten a TON (or “tonne” pour mes amis Francais et Englais) of questions over the years about the state of the business buying market; what’s selling? who’s buying? what is the
Selling a Business: The Transition Process
Selling a Business: Planning the Transition The sale of a business involves more than one transition. The first, of course, is the transition from you to the new owners. This transition involves quite a number
Selling Your Business: Who is Buying?
Selling Your Business? Do You Know Who is Buying? If you’re thinking about selling your business, there are a number of things you must do to get it ready – some physical, some financial and