Selling a Business: What’s the Future Hold?
Selling a Business: What’s the Future Hold? Over the past couple of years, I’ve written often about how frothy the market for business sales – and the demand for good business brokers – has been.
Baby Boomers are Heading for the Exits
Baby Boomers are Heading for the Exits That’s right, boys and girls. Baby Boomers around the world are heading for the exits. Last week’s post described the current state of the market in the business
Business Brokers and Sellers: What’s the Market Like?
Business Brokers and Sellers Ask: What’s the Market Like? “What’s the market like right now; the business brokerage and M&A market?” We get this question all the time, from business owners considering selling as well
Getting Clients for Business Brokers: The Conversation
Getting Clients: The Conversation There are many ways of getting clients for your business brokers practice. In fact, there are quite a few outlined in our course, The Basic “How To” of Becoming a Business
Selling a Business: Know where the value is
Selling a Business: Know Where the Value Is If you’re considering bringing a business to market – as a seller or as a business broker – do you know what you’re selling? Is the value
Hell of a way to sell a business
A Hell of a Way to Sell a Business Since starting Worldwide Business Brokers back in 2001, we’ve seen some crazy stuff but never have we seen anyone try to sell a business the way
Due Diligence: Clean the joint up
Due Diligence: Clean the Joint Up Last week’s post about the importance of the seller doing a buyer’s due diligence before even bringing the business to market got quite a surprising number of questions and
Due Diligence When Selling a Business
Due Diligence: For the Seller Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while has some idea what due diligence is. In our context, it’s generally considered to be efforts made by the buyer
Sell Your Business: Seven Considerations
Selling a Business: 7 Considerations Selling a business takes planning, patience, time and talent. If you’re thinking about selling yours, print this post out and keep it on your desk or tape it to your
The Importance of Business Brokers
How Important are Business Brokers? How important are business brokers? If you’re still wondering, this post ought to dispel any lingering questions. This is a true story that I am personally familiar with. It involves