Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Buy a Business

The Business Brokerage Market

The Coming Business Brokerage Market Over the past two years, I’ve been writing about how active the business brokerage market has been and how it is expected to become even more frothy. Most of my more recent posts on the subject have been to wax philosophical about the amount of

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Preparing for – rather than starting – the sale

  Preparing for – Rather than Starting – the Sale   “Every business that does not fail will eventually change hands.”   That is a mantra that we’ve used in our offices and in our marketing for many years. Some businesses will “change hands” in the manner of a generational

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Asset Purchase or Stock Purchase

  Buying Assets versus Buying Stock A business broker needs to know – and explain to his or her client – that there are two ways to buy an ongoing business. The transition can be structured as an asset purchase or as a stock purchase – and each provides some

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Help Your Clients Get Ready to Sell

Prepare Your Sellers from Joe Caffrey on Vimeo. Prepare Your Clients – to Prepare Their Business! As a business broker, you MUST prepare your clients for the process of selling their business. I’ve done a number of posts and podcasts meant to help business owners get their businesses ready for

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Uncooperative Sellers

Uncooperative Sellers: When to Walk Away You’ve got to wonder why, if they truly wanted to sell, some sellers can be uniquely uncooperative. Uncooperative sellers are a sign that a listing may become so difficult that you have to realize you’re likely going to be spinning your wheels with little

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Poker for Business Brokers: Know When to Fold ’em

When to Walk Away As professional business brokers, we have only two things to sell: our time and our expertise. It’s important to avoid selling either too cheaply but, with regard to your time, you’ve got to be able to tell as early as possible when you should walk away

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Strategic Buyers Need a Broker, too!

Strategic Buyers: Finding the Targets Here’s a true story about an acquisition. It’s not necessarily a pretty story but it illustrates why companies that want to acquire other businesses – “strategic buyers”, rather than “financial buyers” – need to engage the right advisors if they want the acquisition to be

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Growing through Acquisition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Grow Through Acquisition If you own a business, my guess is that you want it to grow. There are two ways of doing that: growing organically and grow through acquisition. Growing your business organically is done by adding more products or services that you can sell to your

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5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For

5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For I’ve written before about strategic acquisitions – when one company buys another, usually smaller company, because the smaller company has something the acquiring company wants and the acquiring compnay one wants it now! When a company wants to expand in some way – geographically,

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Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux!

Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux! Last week I shared the first half of a story about an experience we had with a less-than-honest seller and his equally ethically-challenged attorney. Recall that these unscrupulous individuals had, on several occasions during and even after the due diligence period, tried to screw the buyer

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