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Category: Business

Buying a Business: Due Diligence

Buying a Business? Do Your Diligence! Buying a business involves, among other things, a great deal of study and investigation, In short, you need to go through an in depth process of due diligence to make sure you know what you’re buying. If you’re using a mergers and acquisitions firm

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Components of a Purchase Agreement

The Components of a Purchase Agreement Are you ready to buy a business? Are you a business broker putting together a deal? In either case, you have to know the components of a purchase agreement, a document rich in detail – and enough archaic legal jargon to put a normal,

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Buying PART of a Business

Buying Into a Business Have you ever thought of buying into a business; that is, buying a part of a business? People do it all the time. They buy minority stakes (less than 50% ownership), even stakes (50/50) and majority ownership (more than 50%). Why would someone buy a part

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Buy a Business: Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent vs Purchase Contract Would you like to save some time and expense? Most people – including buyers and sellers of businesses – would. One way to do that is to initiate negotiations for acquiring a business by using a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) rather than a contract

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Yes, this is a business blog and, yes, this is Monday, the day that I always post to the blog about some aspect of selling, buying or financing a business. But it’s Christmas. I think we can dispense with business today and spend time with

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Outside Forces Impact the Value of Your Business

Outside Forces Effect the Value of Your Business While – as I’ve written in several previous posts – there are many things you can do to increase and maintain the optimum value of your business, those efforts are sometimes offset by events that are not always under the business owner’s

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Selling a Family Business: What are your Options?

Selling a Family Business: What Are Your Options? Are you think about selling a family business? If you’re a Baby Boomer, you might be! Baby Boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – are rapidly approaching the end of their working careers. Many of these boomers – and there

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Selling a Business: Does the Buyer Work for You?

Selling a Business: Does the Buyer Already Work for You? Thinking about selling your business? When business owners start to think about selling, one of the many concerns (price, timing, financing, existing staff, etc.) is trying to find the right buyer; someone that will treat the business as the seller

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Value Drivers: What drives the value of a business?

Value Drivers: What Drives the Value of a Business? Businesses derive their value from many of their operational, marketing and financial aspects. These aspects are referred to as “value drivers” and there can be a dozen, multiple dozen or even more. Let’s take a look at a few of the

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Sell a Business: Handling Payables and Receivables

Sell a Business: Payables and Receivables When you buy or sell a business, in most cases payables and receivables will be involved. Payables are amounts a company owes because it purchased goods or services on credit from a supplier or vendor. Receivables are amounts a company has a right to

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