Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Business Brokering

Valuing a Business: Earnings

  5 February 2024: Valuing a Business – Earnings Over the past two weeks, we’ve posted twice about some of the methods we use when valuing businesses. In the first post on this topic we discussed from a high level vantage point four methods we use regularly. Last week’s post

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Valuing a Business: The Comparables Method

29 January 2024: Valuing a Business – The Comparables Method Last week’s post describing four methodologies often used when valuing a business raised some questions. Surprisingly, the questions raised were pretty equally spread over the four methods we discussed. This wasn’t really surprising as we get questions all the time

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Valuing a Business: Methodologies

22 January 2024: Valuing a Business – Methodologies Valuing a business is one of the first steps that must be taken when the business owner begins to consider selling. But there are many more reasons to have a business valued than just selling it. We do valuations for insurance reasons,

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Selling a Business: Earn Outs

15 January 2024: Selling a Business: Earn Outs If you own a business of a certain size – or broker such businesses – are you familiar with the most salient intricacies of an “earn out”? If not, you should be because, in certain market environments – such as the one

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Selling a Professional Practice: Insurance Agencies

8 January 2024: Selling a Professional Practice: Insurance Agencies A couple of weeks ago, we posted a two-part series on selling a professional practice. That series – which can been seen here (Part 1) and here (Part 2) – though mentioning veterinarians and accounting practices, was rather general in nature.

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Selling a Business: Increase its Value

1 January 2024: Selling a Business: Increase its Value The beginning of every year is often a time when people consider where they are in their life and where they want to go – how they should plan for the coming year. In the case of many business owners, it’s

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Happy Holidays from Worldwide Business Brokers

25 December 2023: Happy Holidays from Worldwide Business Brokers! No business today, ladies and gentlemen. But we send our best wishes to you and yours for the happiest of holidays and a healthy and prosperous 2024! – From all of us at Worldwide Business Brokers and The Brokers Roundtable℠. I’d

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Selling Businesses: What’s 2024 Look Like?

18 December 2023: Selling Businesses: What’s 2024 Look Like? Because we’re in the business of selling businesses, from holiday parties to casual dinners at local beanaries, professional business brokers are often asked, “What’s selling?” or “What’s in demand these days?” We occasionally do an end-of-year recap and a “what to

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Selling a Business: Renegotiation

11 December 2023: Selling a Business: Renegotiation One aspect of selling a business is often considered “done” – at least by sellers – even before the deal is closed. That aspect is the selling price. Many sellers assume that, once the parties “agree” on the selling price, it’s locked in.

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Non-Competes vs Non-Disclosure Agreements

4 December 2023: Non-Competes vs Non-Disclosure Agreements Our last two blog posts were discussions about non-complete agreements. (You can find the first one here.) Judging by some of the comments or emails we subsequently received, some clarification is warranted as to the difference between non-compete agreements and non-disclosure agreements (“NDA”)

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