Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Blog

Selling Your Business: Why Now is a Good Time

Thinking of Selling Your Business? Now is a Great Time to Do So! As it does in all other markets, the concept of supply and demand obtains in the market for businesses. If you have been thinking about selling your business, the current climate for such deals is very favorable.

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Selling Your Business: The Exit Strategy

Thinking of Selling Your Business? Let’s Talk About Your Exit Strategy What?!? You’re thinking about selling your business but you don’t have an exit strategy? Well, it pains me to tell you this, Bucko, but you’re not alone. UBS – the Swiss global financial management firm – recently released its

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Starting vs Buying a Business

Thinking of Starting a Business? Let’s Chat About It First Starting vs Buying a Business Millions of people have a dream of owning their own business. My guess is that you’re one of them. That dream may have been born from seeing other people successfully operate their own businesses or

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Selling a Specialty Business

Selling a Specialty Business Selling a Specialty Business may seem like an odd title for a post. Why? Because most businesses could be considered “specialty businesses”. After all, if your business is a supplier of dental tools, a custom guitar manufacturer, a maker of high-fat ice cream, a business brokerage,

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Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality

Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality To sell a business – or a division of a business – requires sharing and disclosing, securely and confidentially, a great deal of proprietary information. There is generally a significant amount of important and confidential data that must be exchanged between the buyer and the

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Buying a Business: Due Diligence

Buying a Business? Do Your Diligence! Buying a business involves, among other things, a great deal of study and investigation, In short, you need to go through an in depth process of due diligence to make sure you know what you’re buying. If you’re using a mergers and acquisitions firm

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Components of a Purchase Agreement

The Components of a Purchase Agreement Are you ready to buy a business? Are you a business broker putting together a deal? In either case, you have to know the components of a purchase agreement, a document rich in detail – and enough archaic legal jargon to put a normal,

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Buying PART of a Business

Buying Into a Business Have you ever thought of buying into a business; that is, buying a part of a business? People do it all the time. They buy minority stakes (less than 50% ownership), even stakes (50/50) and majority ownership (more than 50%). Why would someone buy a part

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Buy a Business: Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent vs Purchase Contract Would you like to save some time and expense? Most people – including buyers and sellers of businesses – would. One way to do that is to initiate negotiations for acquiring a business by using a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) rather than a contract

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