
Episode 4: Get your business ready for sale. Part 2
Episode 4: Get your business ready for sale. Part 2 This is the second part of the earlier podcast – where we dive a little deeper in our discussion about getting your business ready to

Episode 3: Get your business ready for sale. Part 1
Episode 3: Get your business ready for sale. Part 1 Like anything else, it’s easier to sell a business – and get a higher value – if it looks good. “Looking good” includes the books,

Episode 2: Why is Confidentiality in a Business Sale so Important?
Episode 2: Why is Confidentiality in a Business Sale so Important? In almost every instance, confidentiality is crucial when selling a business and there are a number of reasons why. In this podcast, I’m interviewed

The “Silver Tsunami”
The Silver Tsunami The Silver Tsunami. Ever hear of it? Probably not, but it’s coming our way – and it’s coming fast! The Silver Tsunami refers to the massive number of U.S. Baby Boomers that

Is Business Ownership Right For You?
So, you want to own a business, eh? Do you walk into businesses and think, “If the owner just did this ______”, or, “If this were my business, I’d do ________”? If so, you may

Getting Your Business Ready to Sell
Are you thinking about selling your business? If so, you’ve come to the right place to get started! Like selling a house, selling a business requires some planning. Unlike selling a house, this does not

Why Use a Business Broker to Sell Your Business
If you are considering selling your business, it might be wise to consider hiring a business broker to assist you. Business brokers are similar to real estate brokers in concept but quite different in practice.