Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers


"Thanks for your professionalism during the negotiations and the final closing of the purchase."
– Tony F. Bought an upscale/resort restaurant/bar.
Closing Handshake

How To Sell a Business

How To Sell a Business – In Five Easy Steps. NOT! Though you’ll find five tips and strategies on how to sell a business in this post, I’m just kidding about five “easy steps”. I

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What is Needed to Value a Business?

Once More: The Importance of the Valuation! NOTE: This post was originally geared toward business brokers and those that wanted to become business brokers. However, because it discusses how to value a business, much of

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Closing Handshake

What Does a Business Broker Do?

What Does a Business Broker Do? Indeed, what does a business broker do? We get this question all the time from all sorts of people who you would otherwise think were intelligent individuals. There are

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Selling a Business? Payables, Receivables, etc.

If you’re considering selling a business, let’s discuss some of the myriad issues involved. From taxes and financing instruments to training the buyer and keeping the transaction confidential, there are dozens of issues that must

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Become a Professional Business Broker. Course Starts Nov 4th. Learn More!