
Financing The Business Acquisition
How to Finance a Business Speaking of how to finance a business acquisition, I read an article the other day about a “crisis” in the penal colony down under. Under the headline “Warning SMEs won’t

Sell Your Business: Be Prepared!
Sell Your Business Over the past few weeks, we’ve posted about how active the market for buying and selling businesses has been over the past year or so; the types of buyers that are actively

Selling Your Business: What’s the Market Like?
Selling Your Business? We’ve gotten a TON (or “tonne” pour mes amis Francais et Englais) of questions over the years about the state of the business buying market; what’s selling? who’s buying? what is the

Selling a Business: The Transition Process
Selling a Business: Planning the Transition The sale of a business involves more than one transition. The first, of course, is the transition from you to the new owners. This transition involves quite a number

Selling Your Business: Who is Buying?
Selling Your Business? Do You Know Who is Buying? If you’re thinking about selling your business, there are a number of things you must do to get it ready – some physical, some financial and

Selling Your Business: Why Now is a Good Time
Thinking of Selling Your Business? Now is a Great Time to Do So! As it does in all other markets, the concept of supply and demand obtains in the market for businesses. If you have

Selling Your Business: The Exit Strategy
Thinking of Selling Your Business? Let’s Talk About Your Exit Strategy What?!? You’re thinking about selling your business but you don’t have an exit strategy? Well, it pains me to tell you this, Bucko, but

Starting vs Buying a Business
Thinking of Starting a Business? Let’s Chat About It First Starting vs Buying a Business Millions of people have a dream of owning their own business. My guess is that you’re one of them. That

Selling a Specialty Business
Selling a Specialty Business Selling a Specialty Business may seem like an odd title for a post. Why? Because most businesses could be considered “specialty businesses”. After all, if your business is a supplier of

Buying a Business: Risk Allocation Between Buyer and Seller
Buying a Business: Risk Allocation What is “risk allocation” and how does it pertain to and figure into the negotiations when buying a business? Risk allocation is an attempt by the buyers and sellers of