
Selling a Business: 3 Types of Buyers
Selling a Business: 3 Types of Buyers 24 March 2025: Selling a Business: 3 Types of Buyers If you’re selling a business, your ultimate success is significantly enhance by, among other things, knowing who

Selling a Business: What is “Roll Over Equity”?
Selling a Business: What is “Roll Over” Equity? 17 March 2025: Selling a Business: What is “Roll-Over” Equity? Do you know what area of the buying market is most active right now? We receive multiple

Selling Businesses: Who’s Doing It and Why 80% Don’t Sell
Selling Businesses: Who’s Doing It and Why 80% Don’t Sell 10 March 2025: Selling Businesses Do you know that 80% or more of the businesses that come to market don’t sell? It’s true. As

Selling a Business: The Planning
Selling a Business: The Planning 3 March 2025: Selling a Business: The Planning Planning?!? Selling a business takes planning?!? Who knew?? Well, most people who’ve followed this blog for any length of time certainly knew.

Due Diligence: A Deal It Killed
Due Diligence: A Deal It Killed 24 February 2025: Due Diligence: A Deal It Killed “Murder!!” That’s what the seller called it. But in reality, the death of this deal was suicide. We’ve posted fairly

Selling a Business: Know the Competition
Selling a Business: Know the Competition 17 February 2025: Know the Competition If you’re selling a business, do you know how much competition is out there? We ask that question of every potential client.

Selling a Business? 9 Reasons to Enlist a Pro
Selling a Business? 9 Reasons to Enlist a Pro 10 February 2025: Selling a Business? 9 Reasons to Enlist a Pro As we often say around here, “selling a business ain’t for sissies“. Selling a

Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid 3 February 2025: Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid Valuing a business, as anyone who’s been following this blog should know, is one of the first

Selling a Business: The Importance of Confidentiality
Selling a Business: The Importance of Confidentiality 27 January 2025: Selling a Business: The Importance of Confidentiality Confidentiality. Why is it so important when selling a business? We get this question all the time. When

Selling a Business: Prepare for the Tax Hit
Selling a Business: Prepare for the Tax Hit 20 January 2025: Selling a Business: Prepare for the Tax Hit. “Capital gains tax will drive down competition, chase away investment: study” That’s the headline of