Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Tag: Exit Strategy

Sell a business FOR equity

  Sell a Business for Equity. Huh?!? Sell a business FOR equity?!? As the star of an old sitcom would say, Whatchu talkin’ ’bout, Willis? When you sell a business, you’re supposed to SELL the equity, right? Well, as it happens, many M&A transactions, particularly in the Middle Market, include

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Sell a business using an earn out.

   Sell a Business with an Earn-Out. What’s an “earn-out”? Essentially, it is a pricing structure used in mergers and acquisitions where the sellers of a business must “earn” part of the purchase price based on the performance of the business following its acquisition. Many business transfers – especially

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Sell a business for cash?

  Sell a Business for CASH??? Have you educated your client that to sell a business, some seller financing may be necessary? This is the first of several planned posts on how small and mid-size businesses are financed when purchased. In this post I focus on small, Main Street businesses,

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Business for sale: A Valuation Disaster

 Business For Sale: Another Disaster I recently read an article in a Michigan newspaper about a business for sale. The article described the challenge a small local business owner is facing trying to sell his business. The story included a reference to a TV feature about this owner’s struggle

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M&A: The “People” Aspect

 Mergers and Acquisitions: The “People” Aspect M&A – or mergers and acquisitions – can be a complicated process that involves professional advisors and management teams on both sides of the table, reams of paper, columns of figures, bills of sale, financing statements and God-knows-what else. There is a ton

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Estimate of Value vs Reality

 Estimate of Value vs Reality The following is a true story. The names have been omitted to protect the guilty but the numbers are real; real scary. The front page headline of a recent edition of a newspaper I subscribe to read, “(Business name), Valued at Almost $6M, Sells

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Financial Performance and Real Estate Questions

 Financial Performance and Real Estate Financial performance and real estate?!? How the heck are they related in a business sale?? Well, they aren’t, really – except that last week’s post got quite a few comments and they were mostly about two things: examining the financials and determining the best

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Help Your Clients Get Ready to Sell

Prepare Your Sellers from Joe Caffrey on Vimeo. Prepare Your Clients – to Prepare Their Business! As a business broker, you MUST prepare your clients for the process of selling their business. I’ve done a number of posts and podcasts meant to help business owners get their businesses ready for

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Uncooperative Sellers

Uncooperative Sellers: When to Walk Away You’ve got to wonder why, if they truly wanted to sell, some sellers can be uniquely uncooperative. Uncooperative sellers are a sign that a listing may become so difficult that you have to realize you’re likely going to be spinning your wheels with little

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Poker for Business Brokers: Know When to Fold ’em

When to Walk Away As professional business brokers, we have only two things to sell: our time and our expertise. It’s important to avoid selling either too cheaply but, with regard to your time, you’ve got to be able to tell as early as possible when you should walk away

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