Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Value a Business

Business Brokers: Discount for Lack of Marketability

Business Brokers: Discount for Lack of Marketability Business brokers – and business owners: Would a discount for lack of marketability be appropriate for a business you’re considering bringing to market? If you’re a business broker – or intend to become one – you’re going to encounter businesses that will require

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Selling a Business: What You Need to Know.

Selling a Business: What You Need to Know When selling a business, there are several monetary aspects of the transaction and its aftermath that the seller needs to consider before bringing the business to market. In fact, a seller needs to know – or at least have a good idea

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Buying a Business: Stock vs Asset Purchase

Buying a Business: Stock vs Asset Purchase If you’re considering buying a business – or if you’re a business broker working with a client buying a business – it’s important to know the  difference between an asset purchase and a stock purchase. The distinction is very important. Why? Because each

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M&A: How Buyers Think

M&A: How Buyers Think If you’re a business broker – or a business owner considering selling – wouldn’t you like to know how buyers think? I know that that would have been a pretty good bit of knowledge to have when I got started! Of course, how buyers think is

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Valuing Businesses

Valuing Businesses Valuing businesses is always a hot topic for us, whether we’re working with business owners, business brokers or students of our course, The Basic “How To” of Becoming a Business Broker™. Valuing businesses is, after all, the essence of being able to sell them. Without knowing what a

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Selling Franchises

Selling Franchises Does selling franchises make sense for a business broker? Well, yes and no. Over the years, we’ve been approached by various companies – both franchisors and franchise brokers – about our brokers selling whatever brands those companies have on offer. After plenty of consideration, a lot of research

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Buying vs Starting a Business

Buying vs Starting a Business Buying vs starting a business… Which makes more sense? I often speak to groups of potential entrepreneurs and this question always comes up. The answer, of course, is that it depends. It depends on the amount and availability of capital each approach requires. It depends

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Business Brokers Needed? More Evidence

Business Brokers Needed: More Evidence Are more professional business brokers needed? More evidence surfaces every day. Judging by the volume of email we receive every week – from reports in business magazines, newspapers, financial planning journals, demographers and countless other sources – the resounding answer is “YES!” And this demand

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Selling a Business: Five Things to Consider

Selling a Business: Five Things to Consider Five things?!? Just five things to consider when selling a business?!? Are you kidding me? Well, yes; there are TONS of things to consider when selling a business but, like all posts, I’m trying to keep this one under 1,500 words so that

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Business Owners: Selling to the Enemy

Business Owners: Selling to the Enemy As a business broker, many times you’ll realize that the ideal buyer of one of your clients is, in fact, your client’s competitor. In such an instance, your client will realize that doing the deal will be tantamount to selling to the enemy. Many

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