Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Value a Business

A Political Rant

A Political Rant This is a political rant. That’s right. It’s unlikely to benefit any business broker or any business owner thinking of selling – or even anyone considering buying a business. It is purely an unmitigated rant. Well, you might, ask, if this isn’t going to benefit anyone, why

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Financing a Management Buyout

Financing a Management Buyout Business owners wishing to sell are finding that the buyer pool, though generally robust, is on the sidelines for the moment – especially now in this time of Covid-19. Buyers want to see how the overall economy will rebound from the government-mandated recession that the world

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How to Prepare for a Business Valuation

How to Prepare for a Business Valuation A business valuation is essential to properly gauge what a business is worth and a business valuation is critical if the owners of the business are considering selling. And there are multiple methods to be used when valuing a business but we’ve found

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Business Brokers: Advising Business Owners

Business Brokers: Advising Business Owners As business brokers, what can we do to help our clients prepare for the inevitable return of business? Not surprisingly, this has been an oft-asked question in our inboxes and consulting calls recently. As the  fallout from the Covid-19 virus continues to hammer businesses around

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Business Valuation: The Covid-19 Impact

Business Valuation: The Covid-19 Impact The Covid-19 pandemic has sent national economies around the world into a tailspin. Equity markets are taking a hit as company values fall due to perceived increased risk and lower projected future earnings. We are seeing wild swings across all market indices as investors try

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Selling a Business: The Impact of the Coronavirus Part 2

Selling a Business: The Impact of the Coronavirus – Part 2 Selling a business under normal circumstances can be challenging enough but the coronavirus adds a whole new dimension to the process. Two weeks ago, our post was about the general short term impact of the coronavirus on selling businesses.

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Selling a Business: The Importance of a Business Broker

The Importance of a Business Broker Anyone that has been reading this blog for a while, knows how important I believe putting together the right team – most importantly a professional business broker – is when selling a business. A couple of years ago, I wrote a post specifically about

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Selling a Business: The Impact of the Coronavirus

Selling a Business: The Impact of the Coronavirus Anyone not living in a cave is, by now, aware that much of the world is battling a new demon known as the coronavirus. This malignant disease is having a major negative impact on everything from airlines, restaurants and local governments to

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Buying a Business: Check for Liens!

Buying a Business: Check for Liens! If you’re buying a business – or if you’re a business broker representing a client in buying a business – one of the most important aspects of a buyer’s due diligence – and one that too often slips through the cracks – is determining

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Selling a Business: Five Ways to Get the Deal Done

Selling a Business: 5 Ways to Get the Deal Done Selling a business ain’t easy, my friends! And that’s particularly true if the seller is not prepared. It’s doubly true if the business owner tries to do it him- or herself. Trying to sell a business while, at the same

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