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Category: Sell a Business

5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For

5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For I’ve written before about strategic acquisitions – when one company buys another, usually smaller company, because the smaller company has something the acquiring company wants and the acquiring compnay one wants it now! When a company wants to expand in some way – geographically,

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Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux!

Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux! Last week I shared the first half of a story about an experience we had with a less-than-honest seller and his equally ethically-challenged attorney. Recall that these unscrupulous individuals had, on several occasions during and even after the due diligence period, tried to screw the buyer

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Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do?

Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do? If you’re a business broker – or plan to become one – a dishonest seller is going to find his way to your door sooner or later. Aside from the immediate financial harm your brokerage business could face from that, dealing with a

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The Best Time to Sell? What the Pros Say

Is This the Best Time to Sell a Business? Have you noticed a trend in my recent posts? There has been one, even if you haven’t noticed. And that trend has been my repeated statements about how frenetic the business-buying market has become in the past 18-20 months and that

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Selling a Business Quickly: A Tale of Two Sales

Sell a Business Quickly Want a fast exit? That tells me a lot, little of which is good. An attempt to sell a business quickly strongly suggests lack of preparation and if you’ve been reading these blog posts for any length of time, you know that lack of preparation is

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Demand for Businesses Makes This a Great Time to Sell

Demand for Businesses: Why Now is a Great Time to Sell “Deal fever” – unprecedented demand for businesses – is rapidly spreading through the Middle Market business segment and if you’re a business owner or business broker, the prevailing situation impacts you. Middle-market companies are looking to acquire competitors and

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Buying a Business: Growing Through Acquisition

Growing Through Acquisition Most business owners want to grow their business and there are a number of ways to do this. You can hire more sales staff or add distributors; if you’re a wholesaler or manufacturer, you can start a retail operation; you can expand into online sales; you can

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Selling a Business That’s Losing Money

Sell a Business That’s Losing Money Can you sell a business that’s losing money? You bet you can! When I speak with groups of small business owners about selling, they express disbelief that a business that is losing money can be sold. Even owners of Middle Market businesses, generally more

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Selling a Business With a Lease

Selling a Business With a  Lease When selling a business, among the myriad issues to address so that a buyer has some level of comfort as to stability is the lease. Most businesses – including most retail and service businesses – lease their physical facilities. It really doesn’t matter what size

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Selling Your Business: Mistakes to Avoid

Selling Your Business: Nine Mistakes to Avoid 02 July 2018   Selling your business is a process during which you will encounter many potential pitfalls. Here are some of the major ones that, with a little forethought, you should be able to avoid. Throughout this post you’ll find links to

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