Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Buy a Business

Selling a Business? Payables, Receivables, etc.

If you’re considering selling a business, let’s discuss some of the myriad issues involved. From taxes and financing instruments to training the buyer and keeping the transaction confidential, there are dozens of issues that must be considered when it comes time to think about selling a business. We’re going to

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Buying a Business? Read the Lease Carefully!

How do Lease Terms Impact the Business? If you’re buying a business, what should you look for in the lease? Well, that depends. Let’s examine some of the issues. The most obvious one is the rental rate. If the business you’re buying leases its location from an unrelated party –

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Buying a Business’ Real Estate

What are the Pros and Cons of Buying the Real Estate with the Business? If you’re buying a business, should you buy any real estate that the business owns? Well, that depends. Let’s look at some of the upsides and downsides. For starters, most business owners would prefer to lease

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The Value of The Valuation

How Can You Determine the Value of a Business? “What’s my business worth?” This is a question we get nearly every day. Whether you’re selling one, buying one or acting as a broker for one, you have to know the value of the business you’re selling, buying or marketing. If

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Does Your Business Meet the Basic Needs of a Buyer?

Well, does it? Is it even worth a cursory glance from a serious buyer? Let’s see… One of the aspects that business sellers often fail to consider when they begin thinking about selling their business is the Three Basic Requirements trilogy that a buyer must be satisfied with before considering

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Is Business Ownership Right For You?

So, you want to own a business, eh? Do you walk into businesses and think, “If the owner just did this ______”, or, “If this were my business, I’d do ________”? If so, you may have the “entrepreneurial bug”. However, there are a number of aspects of owning a business

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Getting Your Business Ready to Sell

Are you thinking about selling your business? If so, you’ve come to the right place to get started! Like selling a house, selling a business requires some planning. Unlike selling a house, this does not mean painting the living room and cleaning the carpet. However, the theory is the same.

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