Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Buy a Business

Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do?

Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do? If you’re a business broker – or plan to become one – a dishonest seller is going to find his way to your door sooner or later. Aside from the immediate financial harm your brokerage business could face from that, dealing with a

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The Best Time to Sell? What the Pros Say

Is This the Best Time to Sell a Business? Have you noticed a trend in my recent posts? There has been one, even if you haven’t noticed. And that trend has been my repeated statements about how frenetic the business-buying market has become in the past 18-20 months and that

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Selling a Business Quickly: A Tale of Two Sales

Sell a Business Quickly Want a fast exit? That tells me a lot, little of which is good. An attempt to sell a business quickly strongly suggests lack of preparation and if you’ve been reading these blog posts for any length of time, you know that lack of preparation is

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Demand for Businesses Makes This a Great Time to Sell

Demand for Businesses: Why Now is a Great Time to Sell “Deal fever” – unprecedented demand for businesses – is rapidly spreading through the Middle Market business segment and if you’re a business owner or business broker, the prevailing situation impacts you. Middle-market companies are looking to acquire competitors and

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Buying a Business: Growing Through Acquisition

Growing Through Acquisition Most business owners want to grow their business and there are a number of ways to do this. You can hire more sales staff or add distributors; if you’re a wholesaler or manufacturer, you can start a retail operation; you can expand into online sales; you can

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Starting vs Buying a Business

Thinking of Starting a Business? Let’s Chat About It First Starting vs Buying a Business Millions of people have a dream of owning their own business. My guess is that you’re one of them. That dream may have been born from seeing other people successfully operate their own businesses or

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Selling a Specialty Business

Selling a Specialty Business Selling a Specialty Business may seem like an odd title for a post. Why? Because most businesses could be considered “specialty businesses”. After all, if your business is a supplier of dental tools, a custom guitar manufacturer, a maker of high-fat ice cream, a business brokerage,

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Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality

Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality To sell a business – or a division of a business – requires sharing and disclosing, securely and confidentially, a great deal of proprietary information. There is generally a significant amount of important and confidential data that must be exchanged between the buyer and the

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Buying a Business: Due Diligence

Buying a Business? Do Your Diligence! Buying a business involves, among other things, a great deal of study and investigation, In short, you need to go through an in depth process of due diligence to make sure you know what you’re buying. If you’re using a mergers and acquisitions firm

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