Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Category: Business Brokers

The Business Brokerage Market

The Coming Business Brokerage Market Over the past two years, I’ve been writing about how active the business brokerage market has been and how it is expected to become even more frothy. Most of my more recent posts on the subject have been to wax philosophical about the amount of

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Preparing for – rather than starting – the sale

  Preparing for – Rather than Starting – the Sale   “Every business that does not fail will eventually change hands.”   That is a mantra that we’ve used in our offices and in our marketing for many years. Some businesses will “change hands” in the manner of a generational

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Asset Purchase or Stock Purchase

  Buying Assets versus Buying Stock A business broker needs to know – and explain to his or her client – that there are two ways to buy an ongoing business. The transition can be structured as an asset purchase or as a stock purchase – and each provides some

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Selling Your Business? Get Educated First!

  Selling Your Business; Get Educated! Selling your business is an exercise fraught with uncertainty and misinformation. If you want to get the most value for your business when you sell, you must educate yourself about what it will take in terms of knowledge, talent, value and time. And, unless

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Business Valuations and “Fake News”

  Business Valuations and “Fake News” “Fake news”, while not a new phenomenon, gained currency as a catch phase during the United States’ 2016 presidential election campaign. It has since become an oft-repeated charge often leveled by conservatives against liberal and progressive news outlets. But fake news is not limited

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Sell a Family Business

  Sell a Family Business: Are the Kids an Option? Many business owners think they’ll be able to pass their business on to their kids. Good idea? Maybe. But maybe not. I’ve written about this before – first here and again here – describing some of the pitfalls of assuming

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Sell a business FOR equity

  Sell a Business for Equity. Huh?!? Sell a business FOR equity?!? As the star of an old sitcom would say, Whatchu talkin’ ’bout, Willis? When you sell a business, you’re supposed to SELL the equity, right? Well, as it happens, many M&A transactions, particularly in the Middle Market, include

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Sell a business using an earn out.

   Sell a Business with an Earn-Out. What’s an “earn-out”? Essentially, it is a pricing structure used in mergers and acquisitions where the sellers of a business must “earn” part of the purchase price based on the performance of the business following its acquisition. Many business transfers – especially

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Sell a business for cash?

  Sell a Business for CASH??? Have you educated your client that to sell a business, some seller financing may be necessary? This is the first of several planned posts on how small and mid-size businesses are financed when purchased. In this post I focus on small, Main Street businesses,

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