
Seller Remorse: The Follow Up
Selling a Business: Seller Remorse Pt 2 Two weeks ago, in a post about seller remorse, I mentioned that we were involved in a deal that had begun to appear as if the seller may

Small Business “Sell-ability”
Small Business “Sell-ability” Is a small business sellable? When dealing with owners of very small businesses, we get that question more often than we should. As a general rule, most businesses – even some of

Selling a Business: The Personal Aspect
Selling a Business: The Personal Aspect There is, indeed, a personal aspect to selling a business. Two weeks ago, our post was about what to expect in the preparation process when selling a business. At

Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid Part 2
Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid, Part 2 Two weeks ago, I posted Part 1 of Business Broker: Mistakes to Avoid and promised to follow up with two more lessons to avoid mistakes. If you recall,

Selling a Business: What to Expect
Side Note: Though this post is about selling a business, at the end of last week’s post I wrote that there were additional lessons learned by the broker in that story and that I would

Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid
Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid Like any other industry, ours presents many opportunities to make mistakes. The results of such missteps by a business broker can range from mild embarrassment to ruinous lawsuits. Business brokers

Selling a Business? 5 Basic Requirements
Selling a Business: 5 Basic Requirements Selling a business? If you’re a business owner, even if you’re not selling now, you will eventually. I’ve written previously about the Silver Tsunami, a term coined about 10

Coronavirus Upside?
Coronavirus Upside? A Coronavirus upside? Could there really be one? It’s a little early to tell but anecdotal evidence is starting to appear that there may be. As with most industries, ours saw a sudden

Business Owners: Selling to Employees
Selling to Employees Selling to employees? If you’re a business owner, selling to employees is an excellent way to exit your business, particularly if your objectives when selling include preserving your legacy. And if you’re

Business Brokers: What Sellers Look For
Business Brokers: What Sellers Look For Business brokers need a reputation for credibility – though whether you’re a business broker, a business owner/seller or a business buyer, I doubt I’m telling you anything you don’t