Selling a Business Today: PEGs
Selling a Business Today: PEGs 18 October 2021: Selling a Business/PEGs If you’re selling a business in the current environment, business brokers – and even business owners that think they can do it themselves –
Selling a Business: Franchises
Selling a Business: Franchises and 3rd Party Consent 18 October 2021: Selling a Business/Franchises Last week’s post – on the need for third-party consent to sell a business – was relatively general in topic
Selling a Business: Third Party Consents
Selling a Business: Third Party Consents 11 October 2021: Selling a Business When starting to prepare for selling a business – and selling a business is an event that MUST be prepared for – myriad
Selling Your Business When It Isn’t for Sale: Part 2
Selling Your Business When It Isn’t for Sale: Pt 2 04 October 2021: Selling Your Business In last week’s post, I asked business owners if they would be ready to respond should someone – one
Selling Your Business When It Isn’t for Sale
Selling Your Business When It Isn’t for Sale 27 September 2021: Selling Your Business If you’re a business owner, has it ever occurred to you that someone might show up with an offer to buy
Real Estate Agents Bringing Offers
Real Estate Agents Bringing Offers 20 September 2021: Real Estate Agents Real estate agents, as a rule, are a group of mostly professional individuals that know how to sell houses like they know how to
Selling a Business: What Buyers Look For
Selling a Business: What Buyers Look For 13 September 2021: Selling a Business Are you thinking of selling a business? If you’re a business owner, a business broker or even a real estate agent that
Buying a Business: Asset Purchase vs Stock Purchase
Buying a Business: Asset vs Stock Purchase 06 September 2021 Asset purchase or stock purchase: When buying a business – or when selling one, for that matter – which of these two general categories are
Business Owners: Is Your Industry Consolidating?
Industry Consolidation 30 August 2021 Industry consolidation…It’s happening all over the place! There has been a great deal of industry consolidation over the past couple of years and the trend is continuing. What is industry
Selling Businesses: Managing the Clients Expectations
Selling Businesses: Managing the Client’s Expectations 23 August 2021 Selling businesses is not like selling real estate. Of course, no matter what you’re selling, it has to be priced correctly, but selling a business generally