Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Author: Joseph Caffrey

Selling a Business Part 2: The Planning

How to Sell a Business: Part 2 This is the second of a five-part series on selling your business. To get the whole picture, read Part 1. Just like building a business, selling one takes planning. Selling a business takes planning, first, and following a process, second. Unfortunately, few business

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How To Sell a Business

How To Sell a Business – In Five Easy Steps. NOT! Though you’ll find five tips and strategies on how to sell a business in this post, I’m just kidding about five “easy steps”. I mean, come on! Like hip replacement and peace in the Middle East, if it was

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Do I Need a License to be a Business Broker?

Do I need a License to be a Business Broker?? We get this question at least once a week; “Do I need a business brokers license?” The short answer is, “it depends”. First of all, I want to be clear that we’re talking about a professional license, like a license

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What is Needed to Value a Business?

Once More: The Importance of the Valuation! NOTE: This post was originally geared toward business brokers and those that wanted to become business brokers. However, because it discusses how to value a business, much of the information, particularly the downloadable data at the bottom, is also pertinent to business owners

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What Does a Business Broker Do?

What Does a Business Broker Do? Indeed, what does a business broker do? We get this question all the time from all sorts of people who you would otherwise think were intelligent individuals. There are real estate brokers that sell houses, bond brokers that sell corporate and government bonds, visa

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Selling a Business? Payables, Receivables, etc.

If you’re considering selling a business, let’s discuss some of the myriad issues involved. From taxes and financing instruments to training the buyer and keeping the transaction confidential, there are dozens of issues that must be considered when it comes time to think about selling a business. We’re going to

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Buying a Business? Read the Lease Carefully!

How do Lease Terms Impact the Business? If you’re buying a business, what should you look for in the lease? Well, that depends. Let’s examine some of the issues. The most obvious one is the rental rate. If the business you’re buying leases its location from an unrelated party –

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