Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid


Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

3 February 2025: Valuing a Business: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Valuing a business, as anyone who’s been following this blog should know, is one of the first – and certainly most important – steps in the process of selling a business. I mean, if you don’t know what the thing is worth, how can you establish a price that can be both realistic enough to facilitate a sale and completely justifiable to reduce disagreements?

But as most of you probably know by now, it has been our experience that most business owners have an exaggerated opinion of the value of their business.

This is a problem we’ve run into for years and we’ve come up with a series of discussion points that inform one of our earliest meetings with business owners that are considering selling. Below, we discuss the top five mistakes we see owners make when they try to come up with a value for their business. If you’re a business owner thinking about selling, make sure you understand and avoid these deal-killing issues. If you’re a business broker valuing a business, it’s incumbent on you to advise your clients of the importance of recognizing how these specific missteps, if not avoided, will likely make any successful sale of their business a long shot at best.

1) Unrealistic Expectations and Assumptions

As I mentioned above and in many past posts, it’s quite common for business owners to have a exaggerated opinion of the value of their business.

This can be the result of what the business has provided the owner over the years; nice home, late model cars, university education for three kids, vacation house at the beach and countless other benefits that flow from business ownership. It might also come from the owner’s assumption – possibly an erroneous assumption – of the future growth of earnings or cash flow.

It can even be the result from some idea that the owner has – but has not implemented – that the owner believes will supercharge the business’ growth. And it can also stem from the owner’s ignorance of how businesses are valued.

For example, if the owner believes that he or she has an idea that, once implemented, will increase sales by 30%, it would indeed increase the value of the business – but only of the owner implemented the idea before selling. If the buyer has to implement the idea, there is little justification for the owner to get paid for the work the buyer will have to do to achieve the outcome the seller claims will result.

It’s tough for some business owners to understand that. And though they are extremely knowledgeable about the workings of their own business, they are quite unlikely to be as knowledgeable about most other things in life – including how to value and sell that business.

2) Owners Doing Their Own Valuation

Valuing a business is a complex process that takes training and experience. Few business owners have either.

This process contains numerous pitfalls that an inexperienced owner – or improperly-trained broker – is likely to encounter even without realizing it. For example:

  • Failing to “normalize” earnings, a process we refer to as “recasting” those earnings.
  • Failing to establish the business’ real earnings; the “owner benefits”.
  • Applying a multiple to those earnings that is unsupported by market demand
  • Using projections of future earnings that can’t be supported
  • Valuing assets based on cost or balance sheet value instead of fair market value.

Valuing a business requires not only using the correct numbers but understanding what the market for the business’ products or services is likely to look like in the future – and to a buyer. When selling, business owners generally not only see nothing but sunny days – but they’re generally wearing rose-colored glasses when they’re looking.

3) Expecting or Establishing a Fixed Number

When we’re valuing a business, the cover letter that accompanies such valuation contains the following phrase:

Determination of the MPSP (Most Probable Selling Price) is not a science but rather relies on the body of work done over the years by Worldwide Business Brokers and others, the business knowledge of the Broker overseeing the process and the use of proven tools and methodologies to yield a reasonable level of accuracy but with no assurances.

We encourage everyone who enrolls in any of our courses to use the same or similar language.

Why? Because valuing a business is as much art as science.

When a business is properly valued, the result any valuator or professional business broker will present is a range of values – and data to support their conclusions. One of the primary reasons for this is that selling a business is usually at least a six to 12-month affair – and a lot can happen in the world in that period of time. And for proof of that statement, just look at what has happened over the last two years with interest rates.


We offer a comprehensive coaching program  – both group coaching in our Brokers’ Roundtable℠ community as well as one-on-one coaching – tailored to Realtors, business owners , buyers and anyone interested in valuing, buying or selling a business.

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When valuing a business, we always explain to the owner that we’re providing an “estimate of value” and that, should a sale happen, the ultimate selling price will reflect the level of motivation to get a deal done on the part of both the buyer and the seller.

4) Ignoring the Competition

Business owners rarely consider that there are, at any point in time, thousands of businesses looking for buyers. Those businesses are all competing to be “the one” business for one of those buyers and their money. When we’re discussing the possibility of selling someone’s business, we are at pains to point this out to them. In nearly 25 years advising owners and selling businesses, we’ve rarely encountered an owner that has given this the first thought.

Buyers have plenty of options and any business that’s brought to market has to be priced competitively or buyers will simply pass us by and go on to the next opportunity.

Some business owners think that their business is unique. Unless this owner invented a perpetual motion machine, this is rarely the case.

No matter what they think, theirs isn’t the first widget manufacturer or specialty restaurant or web developer or social media marketing company that has been sold. Sure, their widgets might be stainless steel; they may have a special sauce for their burgers; their website may offer faster load speeds; or their marketing algorithms may generate slightly tighter results. But in the end, they are delivering a product or service that dozens – or hundreds – of businesses that have previously sold have delivered.

When valuing a business, we have to look closely at what similar businesses have sold for based on certain metrics such as Discretionary Earnings and revenue.

5) Not Considering the Buyer’s Needs

Few buyers buy because they think owning a business is “cool”. (See The Buyer’s Perspective)

Financial buyers, once they find a business that interests them from a professional and emotional standpoint, will ask some version of the question, “How much will this business put in my pocket?” Their next question will be, “How much am I willing to pay for that?”


REALTORS! Our course,Learn How to Value and SUCCESSFULLY Sell Businesses, teaches you how to accurately value and successfully sell businesses.

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Put aside for a moment the competition issue and, when valuing a business, consider what the buyer needs.

Aside from the basics, the buyer needs a return on his or her investment. They will, after all, be raiding the family retirement plan or emptying the savings account where they’ve been earning money on their capital. They need to continue to earn money on that capital whether it’s invested in an S&P 500 ETF or the owner’s business. And given that owning a small business is a significantly greater risk that the S&P 500, the return on the buyer’s investment should be much higher so as to reflect that additional risk.

The Bottom Line

A business owner considering selling their business must understand that a successful sale starts with knowing what the business’ value is.

Knowing the value prevents several unpleasant things from happening:

  1. Leaving money on the table when the business is sold at a discount to value – a distinct possibility of you have no idea what the value is.
  2. Spending years trying but never selling because the price asked is too high.
  3. Being unable to justify the asking price to a buyer.
  4. Being offended by seemingly “low-ball” offers that actually reflect the true value.

Even if you want to try to sell the business yourself – a move tantamount to a surgeon trying to replace his own liver – get a professional to value it. You’ll at least know where you stand and what you can expect when you start the selling process.

If you have any questions or comments on this topic – or any topic related to business – I’d like to hear from you. Put them in the comments box below. Start the conversation and I’ll get back to you with answers or my own comments. If I get enough on one topic, I’ll address them in a future post or podcast.

I’ll be back with you again next Monday. In the meantime, I hope you have a safe and profitable week.


Searching For…

A NOTE TO READERS: Our “Searching For…” feature has been moved to our online support platform, The Brokers Roundtable℠. It will appear there exclusively.


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The author is the founder, in 2001, of Worldwide Business Brokers and holds a certification from the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) as a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) of which there are fewer than 1,000 in the world. He can be reached at


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