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Tag: sell a business

Selling a Business: Renegotiation

11 December 2023: Selling a Business: Renegotiation One aspect of selling a business is often considered “done” – at least by sellers – even before the deal is closed. That aspect is the selling price. Many sellers assume that, once the parties “agree” on the selling price, it’s locked in.

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Non-Competes vs Non-Disclosure Agreements

4 December 2023: Non-Competes vs Non-Disclosure Agreements Our last two blog posts were discussions about non-complete agreements. (You can find the first one here.) Judging by some of the comments or emails we subsequently received, some clarification is warranted as to the difference between non-compete agreements and non-disclosure agreements (“NDA”)

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Selling a Business: Non-Competes – Pt 2

27 November 2023: Selling a Business – Non-Competes: Pt 2 Last week’s post – about the possibility of non-compete agreements being outlawed in the United States – became even more relevant with the developments in New York State this past week. It appears that the Grand Poobahs in Albany have

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Selling a Business: Non-Competes

20 November 2023: Selling a Business – Non-Competes Non-compete agreements have been in the news this year. It has been so as a result of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposing a rule to make non-compete agreements illegal. Non-compete agreements is a topic we bring up with every business

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Business Brokers: Specializing

13 November 2023: Business Brokers: Specializing If you’re a business broker – or considering learning how to value and sell businesses – have you thought about specializing; that is, specializing in one or two specific types of businesses? When new business brokers are going through our courses there’s often discussion

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Selling a Professional Practice: Pt 2

6 November 2023: Selling a Professional Practice: Pt 2 Last week’s post on selling a professional practice generated a couple of questions that suggest a need for some clarification. Though these aspects of transitioning out of a practice were discussed as part of the overall process of selling, they are

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Selling a Professional Practice

Selling a Professional Practice 30 October 2023: Selling a Professional Practice Selling a professional practice is not a whole lot different from selling most any other business – the occasional protestations to the contrary raised by some “professional practitioners”. I make that statement after recently reading a law journal article

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Selling a Business: 4 Questions

16 October 2023: Selling a Business: 4 Questions Trying to time the market when selling a business is, for all practical purposes, nearly impossible. But if that’s the case, how does one know when it’s “the right time”? When considering selling a business, the “right time” is usually more dependent

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Selling a Business Ain’t for Sissies

Selling a Business Ain’t for Sissies 16 October 2023: Selling a Business Ain’t for Sissies Selling a business profitably requires a lot of work, a lot of time and no small amount of knowledge and experience. Yes, a business can be sold by an amateur – a real estate agent,

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Selling a Business: Family Offices

Selling a Business: Family Offices 9 October 2023: Selling a Business: Family Offices One of the most important components of preparing a business for sale is identifying the likely buyers. This need is from the standpoint of both the business owner and the business broker. When I say “identifying the

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