Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Tag: real estate

Sell a business FOR equity

  Sell a Business for Equity. Huh?!? Sell a business FOR equity?!? As the star of an old sitcom would say, Whatchu talkin’ ’bout, Willis? When you sell a business, you’re supposed to SELL the equity, right? Well, as it happens, many M&A transactions, particularly in the Middle Market, include

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Sell a business using an earn out.

   Sell a Business with an Earn-Out. What’s an “earn-out”? Essentially, it is a pricing structure used in mergers and acquisitions where the sellers of a business must “earn” part of the purchase price based on the performance of the business following its acquisition. Many business transfers – especially

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Sell a business for cash?

  Sell a Business for CASH??? Have you educated your client that to sell a business, some seller financing may be necessary? This is the first of several planned posts on how small and mid-size businesses are financed when purchased. In this post I focus on small, Main Street businesses,

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Business for sale: A Valuation Disaster

 Business For Sale: Another Disaster I recently read an article in a Michigan newspaper about a business for sale. The article described the challenge a small local business owner is facing trying to sell his business. The story included a reference to a TV feature about this owner’s struggle

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M&A: The “People” Aspect

 Mergers and Acquisitions: The “People” Aspect M&A – or mergers and acquisitions – can be a complicated process that involves professional advisors and management teams on both sides of the table, reams of paper, columns of figures, bills of sale, financing statements and God-knows-what else. There is a ton

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Estimate of Value vs Reality

 Estimate of Value vs Reality The following is a true story. The names have been omitted to protect the guilty but the numbers are real; real scary. The front page headline of a recent edition of a newspaper I subscribe to read, “(Business name), Valued at Almost $6M, Sells

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