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Tag: become a business broker

Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid

Business Brokers: Mistakes to Avoid Like any other industry, ours presents many opportunities to make mistakes. The results of such missteps by a business broker can range from mild embarrassment to ruinous lawsuits. Business brokers can avoid many of these issues simply by paying attention; making sure that your processes

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Selling a Business? 5 Basic Requirements

Selling a Business: 5 Basic Requirements Selling a business? If you’re a business owner, even if you’re not selling now, you will eventually. I’ve written previously about the Silver Tsunami, a term coined about 10 years ago to describe the number of baby boomers that are retiring every day in

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Coronavirus Upside?

Coronavirus Upside? A Coronavirus upside? Could there really be one? It’s a little early to tell but anecdotal evidence is starting to appear that there may be. As with most industries, ours saw a sudden downshift in early March with the business environment worsening as April dawned. Deals that were

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Business Owners: Selling to Employees

Selling to Employees Selling to employees? If you’re a business owner, selling to employees is an excellent way to exit your business, particularly if your objectives when selling include preserving your legacy. And if you’re a business broker, this is a discussion you should have with the owners of the

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Business Brokers: What Sellers Look For

Business Brokers: What Sellers Look For Business brokers need a reputation for credibility – though whether you’re a business broker, a business owner/seller or a business buyer, I doubt I’m telling you anything you don’t already know. A broker’s reputation comes over time and is gained in small doses in

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Business Sellers: Know Your Buyer

Business Owners: Know Your Buyer! Business owners! Do you know your buyer? Most business owners who read this are probably not thinking of selling their business – at least at the moment. But the time will come because, as we say around here, “Every business that doesn’t fail will eventually

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Business Brokers and Lawyers

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” Line from William Shakespeare’s play Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. Business Brokers and Lawyers Well, that may be a little extreme but the sentiment expressed in that line of Shakespeare’s three-part play can sometimes be related to

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A Political Rant

A Political Rant This is a political rant. That’s right. It’s unlikely to benefit any business broker or any business owner thinking of selling – or even anyone considering buying a business. It is purely an unmitigated rant. Well, you might, ask, if this isn’t going to benefit anyone, why

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Financing a Management Buyout

Financing a Management Buyout Business owners wishing to sell are finding that the buyer pool, though generally robust, is on the sidelines for the moment – especially now in this time of Covid-19. Buyers want to see how the overall economy will rebound from the government-mandated recession that the world

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How to Prepare for a Business Valuation

How to Prepare for a Business Valuation A business valuation is essential to properly gauge what a business is worth and a business valuation is critical if the owners of the business are considering selling. And there are multiple methods to be used when valuing a business but we’ve found

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