Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers


"Thanks for your professionalism during the negotiations and the final closing of the purchase."
– Tony F. Bought an upscale/resort restaurant/bar.
Buying a Business

Starting vs Buying a Business

Thinking of Starting a Business? Let’s Chat About It First Starting vs Buying a Business Millions of people have a dream of owning their own business. My guess is that you’re one of them. That

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Selling a Specialty Business

Selling a Specialty Business Selling a Specialty Business may seem like an odd title for a post. Why? Because most businesses could be considered “specialty businesses”. After all, if your business is a supplier of

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Secure documents

Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality

Sell a Business: Security and Confidentiality To sell a business – or a division of a business – requires sharing and disclosing, securely and confidentially, a great deal of proprietary information. There is generally a significant

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Buying a Business: Due Diligence

Buying a Business? Do Your Diligence! Buying a business involves, among other things, a great deal of study and investigation, In short, you need to go through an in depth process of due diligence to

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Components of a Purchase Agreement

The Components of a Purchase Agreement Are you ready to buy a business? Are you a business broker putting together a deal? In either case, you have to know the components of a purchase agreement,

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Slices of a business

Buying PART of a Business

Buying Into a Business Have you ever thought of buying into a business; that is, buying a part of a business? People do it all the time. They buy minority stakes (less than 50% ownership),

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Deal Done

Buy a Business: Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent vs Purchase Contract Would you like to save some time and expense? Most people – including buyers and sellers of businesses – would. One way to do that is to initiate negotiations

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Yes, this is a business blog and, yes, this is Monday, the day that I always post to the blog about some aspect of selling, buying or financing a business.

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Become a Professional Business Broker. Course Starts Nov 4th. Learn More!