
Business Brokers: Tax Issues #2
Business Brokers: Tax Issues #2 Taxes. What, again?!? That’s right. Another riff. But this one is about a somewhat little known method designed to help our clients – the sellers of the businesses we represent

Business Brokers: Tax Issues in Sight
Business Brokers: Tax Issues in Sight Taxes. The bane of the business owner’s existence. As professional business brokers, we deal with the tax issue all the time. Every transaction we’re involved in – in fact,

Advising Our Clients Pt. 3: What’s Selling?
Advising Our Clients Part 3: What’s Selling? What’s selling? We get that question all the time. We’ve gotten it with more frequency during the last year as the corona virus has spread through Europe and

Business Brokers: Advising Our Clients Pt. 2
Business Brokers: Advising Our Clients Part 2 Last week’s post – Part 1 of our discussion about business brokers advising our clients – dealt with financing issues, tax issues and knowing what – the business’

Business Brokers: Advising Our Clients
Business Brokers: Advising Our Clients As professional business brokers, advising our clients is the essence of what we do. But how we advise them and what topics we advise them on is not always clear.

Business Brokers: Should you be selective?
Business Brokers: Should You Be Selective? Should business brokers be selective when considering taking on an assignment to sell a business? The short answer is, “Heck yeah!” But while the “short” answer might be yes,

Letter of Intent: Lots of questions
Letter of Intent: Lots of Questions Wow! Last week’s letter of intent post certainly struck a nerve! That post focused on an LOI’s “no-shop” clause because it was an issue that caused significant agita for

Letter of Intent: The “No-Shop” Clause
Letter of Intent: The “No-Shop” Clause A letter of intent – the LOI – from any knowledgeable buyer will often include an exclusivity period meant to restrict the seller’s ability to continue marketing the business

Business Brokers: Co-Brokering Deals
Business Brokers: The Importance of Co-Brokering Business brokers and co-brokering. Anyone that has gone through our course or who has been trained by me or anyone in our network, knows how much importance I place

Selling a Business to the Employees: ESOPs
Selling a Business to the Employees: ESOPs Two weeks ago, my post was about selling a business to the business’ employees. In that post I gave a passing mention to selling a business using an