
Selling a Business: Importance of Preparation
Selling a Business: Importance of Preparation 30 January 2023: Selling a Business: Importance of Preparation Most business owners wait too long to prepare for selling their business. Few consider the upsides of preparation and the

Selling a Business: Importance of the Right Price
Selling a Business: Importance of the Right Price 23 January 2023: Selling a Business: Importance of the Right price I’ve written often about the importance of having a business valuation done when selling a business.

Selling a Business: Private Equity and Valuations
Selling a Business: Private Equity and Valuations 16 January 2023: Selling a Business: Private Equity and Valuations In a couple of recent posts (here and here), we discussed the impact of certain economic conditions on

Selling a Business: What Buyers Want
Selling a Business: What Buyers Want 9 January 2023: Selling a Business: What Buyers Want Selling a business becomes a little easier if you start with the question, “What do buyers want”? But when we

Selling a Business: Trademarks and Brands
Selling a Business: Trademarks and Brands 2 January 2023: Selling a Business: Trademarks and Brands When selling a business, consideration of any trademarks or brands the business may own or use is important. Trademarks and

Buying a Business: Asset or Stock Sale?
Buying a Business: Asset or Stock Sale? 26 December 2022: Buying a Business: Asset or Stock Sale? Though most of our work is on behalf of sellers – that is, we help business owners find

Selling a Business: Is It Worth It?
Selling a Business: Is It Worth It? 19 December 2022: Selling a Business: Is It Worth It? Selling a business is generally an arduous event; taxing the business owner mentally and emotionally – and sometimes

Business Owners: Do You Know What Your Business Is Worth?
Business Owners: Do You Know What Your Business Is Worth? 12 December 2022: Business Owners: Do You Know What Your Business Is Worth? If you own a business, do you have any idea what

Businesses Owning Real Estate: 3 Examples
Businesses Owning Real Estate: 3 Examples 5 December 2022: Businesses Owning Real Estate: 3 Examples Last week’s post was an overview of some of the issues surrounding the sale of a business when real estate

Businesses Owning Real Estate
Businesses Owning Real Estate 28 November 2022: Businesses Owning Real Estate Here’s a question we sometimes get, but not often enough: What’s the best relationship between a business and the real estate it occupies? Should