Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers


"I want to compliment you on the Course. I worked with a business guru for a long time and he was very accomplished – Harvard trained and Heinz advertising for many years, worldwide advertising – and we did a lot of proformas and financials and so, a lot of the course training I’ve been through with financial forecasting, I usually see things that aren’t new.

In your Course, I discovered so much... new information that I’ve never seen. Just a tremendously well-planned and executed Course."
- Jason Huett, Business Broker, Commercial Realtor, Wisconsin, U.S., Member of The Brokers Roundtable

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"I am thoroughly enjoying this course. The material is well presented through videos. With plenty of examples and real life practical tips, it is easy to follow. The transcripts are an excellent source of future reference. I really appreciate the follow up discussions regarding any questions."
- Clive Jacobsohn. MBA, CPA, CA, Toronto, Canada, Member of The Brokers Roundtable

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"You were truly a pleasure to work with and help us to consummate the purchase. Please continue to keep your ear to the ground for any other similar opportunities in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States."
- Scott L., Managing Director of a private equity group that purchased a regional healthcare provider.
"Coming from the corporate world, becoming a business broker was a great move for me. The training, knowledge and resources available to brokers in the Worldwide network are without peer. Help is always just a call or email away. Every day is different and helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals is immensely satisfying."
- Greg G., Member of the Worldwide Business Brokers network since

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"You have been so attentive and focused on every detail that I never worried about anything. You are very knowledgeable and diplomatic with any type of person. You brought me MANY different potential buyers and we ended up practically taking our pick between who we wanted to sell to, which was a great position to be in. After all, it only took one buyer to complete the purchase.

You were very supportive of me through the ups and downs of this whole process, and what you predicted about how long it would take, etc. came true exactly as you said it would. I highly recommend you to anyone who has a business to sell. Please feel free to give out my personal number for references. I will be happy to speak to anyone who is looking into your services."
- Melissa D., Sold a personal care company

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"The financial analysis that Worldwide Business Brokers provides on the businesses they represent is not only the most comprehensive I have ever seen prepared by a business broker but the analysis also gives the prospective buyer a jump start on preparing loan applications for acquiring the business and financial plans for running the business."
- James Wilson, Principal, Wilson Law Group

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"Thank you for telling my clients how to prepare their companies for sale."
- Arnel T., Business Consultant
"You did a great job in selling my company and I have a couple of other potential sellers that I want to refer to you."
- Tom J., Sold a regional lawn care company

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"Thanks for your professionalism during the negotiations and the final closing of the purchase."
- Tony F., Bought an upscale/resort restaurant/bar

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"Thanks for keeping this deal on track and for your hard work in getting it closed."
- Dick P., Majority shareholder/sold a potting soils company

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"I would never have bought my business without the guidance of Worldwide Business Brokers. I would – and do - recommend them to anyone seriously considering an acquisition."
- Wanda F., Bought a regional title and settlement company