Business Brokering Buy Sell Business – Worldwide Business Brokers

Tag: become a business broker

Price a Business to Sell

Price a Business to Sell Right out of the box, a knowledgeable professional business broker will have a sense for how likely a business will sell simply by looking at the list price. Does the price relate to value? Is the business priced to sell? A business broker can tell

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Licensing for Business Brokers

A Business Brokers License? What’s Up With That?? I don’t do this often but it’s time for a brief Caffrey’s Rant. I get questions all the time about whether or not a business broker – or aspiring business broker – has to be licensed. And, as I’ve written before, it

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5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For

5 Things Acquiring Companies Look For I’ve written before about strategic acquisitions – when one company buys another, usually smaller company, because the smaller company has something the acquiring company wants and the acquiring compnay one wants it now! When a company wants to expand in some way – geographically,

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Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux!

Dishonest Sellers: Part Deux! Last week I shared the first half of a story about an experience we had with a less-than-honest seller and his equally ethically-challenged attorney. Recall that these unscrupulous individuals had, on several occasions during and even after the due diligence period, tried to screw the buyer

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Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do?

Dishonest Sellers: What’s a Broker to Do? If you’re a business broker – or plan to become one – a dishonest seller is going to find his way to your door sooner or later. Aside from the immediate financial harm your brokerage business could face from that, dealing with a

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The Best Time to Sell? What the Pros Say

Is This the Best Time to Sell a Business? Have you noticed a trend in my recent posts? There has been one, even if you haven’t noticed. And that trend has been my repeated statements about how frenetic the business-buying market has become in the past 18-20 months and that

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Selling Your Business: The Exit Strategy

Thinking of Selling Your Business? Let’s Talk About Your Exit Strategy What?!? You’re thinking about selling your business but you don’t have an exit strategy? Well, it pains me to tell you this, Bucko, but you’re not alone. UBS – the Swiss global financial management firm – recently released its

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Starting vs Buying a Business

Thinking of Starting a Business? Let’s Chat About It First Starting vs Buying a Business Millions of people have a dream of owning their own business. My guess is that you’re one of them. That dream may have been born from seeing other people successfully operate their own businesses or

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The Price Is Right – or Is It?

American readers of a certain age will probably remember the game show, The Price is Right, in which contestants tried to guess the price of merchandise, and its host Bob Barker. Some of the shows were hilarious as contestants had no clue as to the prices of countless items and

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The “Silver Tsunami”

The Silver Tsunami The Silver Tsunami. Ever hear of it? Probably not, but it’s coming our way – and it’s coming fast! The Silver Tsunami refers to the massive number of U.S. Baby Boomers that are starting to retire. According to the Washington Post, 10,000 people in the U.S. are

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