Podcasts Archive

Episode 10: “Liberating” Cash From Your Business.
If yours is a cash business and you feel the need to “liberate” some of that cash, doing so decreases the value of your business. That might not seem like a problem at the moment but it will be when it comes time to sell. To learn why, Listen to Podcast
Episode 9: Being a Business Broker: An Interview with Greg Gill
If you think being a professional business broker and advisor might be an interesting career to pursue, listen to my conversation with one! In this episode, I chat with Greg Gill, a broker/advisor with the Worldwide Business Brokers network since 2010… Listen to Podcast
Episode 8: Financing the Purchase: An Interview with SBA Specialist, Dave Moore
If you are purchasing a business in the United States, one ideal and often overlooked source of financing is the Small Business Administration, lovingly referred to as the SBA. In this episode, I chat with Dave Moore of Acclivity Financial, a North Carolina-based SBA… Listen to Podcast
Episode 7: Interview with James Wilson, Esq. on the Legal Aspects of Selling a Franchise
If you own a franchised business, there are dozens of aspects specific to franchises that must be considered when the owner begins to think about selling. Listen to my interview with franchise attorney Jim Wilson on some of the things you would be wise to keep in mind… Listen to Podcast
Episode 6: What Types of Businesses Are Selling?
We’re asked all the time, “What types of businesses are selling now?” While there are some industries that get hot for a couple of years, a good business will always be attractive to buyers. In this podcast, I’m interviewed about this very question… Listen to PodcastThank you for telling my clients how to prepare their companies for sale.
Arnel T.

Episode 5: Should You Use a Business Broker to Sell Your Business?
Would you use a real estate broker to sell your house or a certified mechanic to service your car? In this podcast, we discuss some of the reasons to use a professional business broker when it comes time to sell your business… Listen to Podcast

Episode 4: Get your business ready for sale. Part 2
This is the second part of the earlier podcast about getting your business ready to sell… Listen to Podcast
Episode 3: Get your business ready for sale. Part 1
Like anything else, it’s easier to sell a business – and get a higher value – if it looks good. In this podcast, I’m interviewed about some of the attributes that go into “looking good”… Listen to Podcast
Episode 2: Why is Confidentiality in a Business Sale so Important?
In almost every instance, confidentiality is crucial when selling a business. In this podcast, I’m interviewed discussing some of the reasons… Listen to Podcast